![]() 11/03/2017 at 09:56 • Filed to: Old man yells at clouds | ![]() | ![]() |
I tend to be a little selfish when it comes to my cars. If we’re taking my car - which we often do because I like to drive - I’m driving, even if someone else offers or ask to drive. I like the feeling of being in control, no matter the traffic, road conditions or weather.
It’s not like I’m overly protective of my cars either, I certainly don’t baby them. I just dont like others to harm my stuff; if someone is going to as abuse my car, it’s damn well gonna be me, much to the chagrin of my WRX’s clutch. I’m probably gonna have to replace it within my ownership of this car (AWD + lots of autocross launches = wear).
People other than myself put on less than 500 of the 50,000km accumulated during the ownership of my Golf. As for my WRX, less than 100 of its 24,000 km have been driven by anyone other than me.
How protective are you of you vehicle(s)?
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I let the person drive sometimes. Grew up in NYC, just got a license recently. So, not in Tokyo, but in rural Saitama or Gunma, sure. Of course, the more progress I get done on the GA3, the more ancy I’ll be about it.
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I don’t think anyone else has driven my Corvette or my old F150.
And my new truck (K3500) which I’ve only put about 3000 miles on so far has been driven by other people for maybe 30 of those miles
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Whenever I remember that I can share.
But only to the people I’d trust to drive my cars.
Nothing I own right now is that special or that difficult, so I like to let other people have fun too.
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I’m not going to let just anyone drive it, and I’m pretty much going to be in the car at the time, but I’ve let my dad and most of my siblings drive it (as well as a distant cousin visiting from Germany), and several of my friends as well. I’ve found that one of the best parts of owning a fun, powerful car is getting to share it with others.
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I pretty much only let other people drive my RX-8 during end of the day fun runs at autocross events. I’ve had a couple people who wanted to co-drive my car during events but I don’t have the confidence in it yet that it can handle double-duty. But after sorting out all I have done through my first season, I might be more open to it next year.
As for my other car, my wife will drive my police-interceptor-utility if she has to run a quick errand and my car is blocking in her Highlander in the driveway.
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My FiST was primarily driven by me with the exception of the road trip to Rome where my friend Will drove half of the time and my buddy who was talking shit that his 330d was faster (it wasn’t).
The Mustang has only been driven by 2 people other than me. Once when I had been drinking and needed a ride to get more beer. The other was my friend from high school, we were the only kids with manuals and we used to swap her Prelude and my ZX3 and go for drives. I figured she should have a go in the Mustang cause it’s a blast.
I feel like my things are mine and I’d rather be the one using them. I have to trust someone quite a bit if they are going to be driving my car.
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I can count on one hand how many people I’ve let drive my car.
1. My dad was moving it out of his driveway so he could get his car out. But then he changed his mind and decided to terrorize the neighborhood with it.
2. My wife (then girlfriend) to try to teach her how to drive it.
3. My wife’s cousin. She was in the car while my wife was learning and wanted to try.
4. My father in law. I had a mountain biking accident (along the lines of “hold my camelbak, watch this) and my arm was in a sling, so since they were coming over for dinner anyway they came to the urgent care center, picked up my key, and then drove it home for me.
I’m like you, I like to drive so I often volunteer to take my car, and I tend to get carsick being a passenger.
And I don’t necessarily trust others to be as careful with my car as I am. I personally think the current WRX’s clutch has a pretty steep learning curve, and takes a long time to drive smoothly since it has a lot of travel and the bite is somewhere in the middle, but there’s no clutch feeling so you have to learn from memory.
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If we’re taking my car - which we often do because I like to drive - I’m driving, even if someone else offers or ask to drive. I like the feeling of being in control, no matter the traffic, road conditions or weather.
I’m very much the same as you. I’m not really that protective of my cars, but I rarely ride as a passenger in any car, let alone my own. My wife will take my Lexus or Pathfinder whenever she needs it, and I’ve lent the Pathfinder to questionable characters to tow things, no big deal.
My E46 is a completely different story. I’ve owned it for 17 years, put about 108k on it, and I don’t recall *anyone* other than me driving it, besides a tech working on it. It’s a manual, so that rules out a lot of possible drivers (including my wife), and I’m a little protective of the clutch, I guess (It’s not like the car is worth anything).
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I let anyone drive my cars... Just ask.
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How protective are you of you vehicle(s)?
Unhealthy protective
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I’m the same with mine and don’t let others drive my cars. I just don’t trust them to not damage it. The only car I’ve ever owned that have had others behind the wheel, other than mechanics, was my first car when I was in high school and my parents drove it less than 500 miles total.
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I have co-drivers at about a dozen autocrosses each year but other than autox, other people almost never drive my car (the situation just doesn’t really come up). I have convinced most of my friends to get BRZ’s though, so they just drive theirs instead of mine (I got 4 other guys to trade in 2011-2014 WRX’s for BRZ’s).
My younger brother has driven every car I’ve ever owned, but I’ve never driven any of his cars. My dad and I have both driven all of each other’s cars (well, the ones he’s had when I’ve been of legal driving age). I’ve driven my sister’s cars and my mom’s cars but neither of them drive my cars (mine have nearly all been manual, and although both my mom and sister can drive stick, they don’t really like to).
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Generally I don’t do a lot of long enough trips with other people where I’d need to let someone else drive my car. I’m fine with people doing it if they want but it’s not often.
My wife is the one person who usually I’d be with on a long enough trip where we’d want to switch drivers. But generally she doesn’t like driving the cars I’ve had over the years. Most of them have been stick shift and she doesn’t drive stick.
The only automatics were my couple Grand Cherokees which she didn’t want to drive, and she drove my 135is DCT maybe 5 times in 3 years and sorta kinda liked it but thought the steering was too heavy and didn’t realize how fast she’d be going.
Now that it’s just my stick shift 335xi, if we’re going on a longer trip where she might end up driving, we take her car.
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I often offer other people to drive my car. When my mom was shopping to replace her Sonata with a small crossover, I offered to let her drive Meepster. I’ve let my sister drive it too, but I taught her to drive a stick back in 2003. I tried to teach my wife’s baby sister to drive a stick in the Soul, and it worked about as well as you’d expect a 17 year old girl who had never driven anything but a first-generation Durango to go.
Anyone can drive Cheapster too if they want, but a 94 Cherokee with 255k miles is no big loss if it’s crashed. Even Meepster is no big loss if it’s crashed as long as people are OK. That’s what insurance is for. I don’t mind.
Pretty much the only qualifiers I have for Meepster are:
Do you have a license?
Can you drive a stick?
Are you sober?
If it’s yes to all 3, go for it.
And for Cheapster just 1 and 3.
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My parents are just about the onky ones who I trust with my car. And maybe a SO if I had one.
I think someone else has driven it maybe four times in the three years I’ve had the thing.
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I let other people drive with me in the car, but rarely let people borrow my cars. My A4 is a manual and I’ve always said I’ll teach anyone who wants to learn. I think the supposed wear on my clutch from a beginner driver is worth it to keep more people exposed to manual transmissions.
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If I have to. Like a long road trip or because I felt like getting blitzed.
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Other than inspectors, I’ve only let one person drive my Prelude, and it was because I was drunk. The only person that’s driven my TSX was someone at the Acura dealer when I took it there to get the airbag replaced.
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Family can drive/borrow it. But I’d say if we’re going somewhere in my vehicle and I’m going too, there is zero chance anyone else is driving it. The exception being long road trips. I picked up my sister on my way from CO to NY this summer, and she drove the first leg out. Overall, she drove about 300 miles of the 4800 mile road trip.
I’ll happily ride along as a passenger in my wife’s vehicle, or any others.
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I let both of my roommates drive my Miata when I got it. They also let me practice manual on their cars first. Hell I used to let some friends drift my SC in snowy parking lots. I also swapped cars with my roommate (500 Abarth) so I could play tour guide for my GF’s friend, last weekend.
They’re cars, only people that like/care about cars have driven mine. But at the end of the day they are still just an expensive appliance.
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Currently only my father has driven the Camaro (once). Outside of that, only the dealer guys have moved it around.
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Not often. But my coworker let me drive all of his cars (3000 GT, Nismo 370Z, Forester XT) so I let him take my C5Z and Legacy GT out for a lunch run. For some reason, I don’t have as much faith in my younger car friends.
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How did you get people to hate their WRXs?!
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My old truck. Sure you could drive it. I didn’t care. My new truck. Hell no.
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Only myself and the dealership techs (when the car is in warranty).
Two of the smarts are irreplaceable (one a limited release limited edition, the other a hard to find gray market model) and the third is my daily driver.
I made the mistake of letting an outside party drive four times (not including the times my “friends” stole it). On each time either the driver messed something up in the car or complained non-stop about how they hate the transmission, the suspension, the steering, and pretty much everything else. Good for you, now nobody gets to drive my car.
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Pretty much the only person that drives my car besides myself is my wife. Unfortunately, she’s probably put more miles on my car than I have.
We carpool to work. But, she works further away than I do. So, she drops me off, goes to her job, and then when she’s done picks me up and we go home. As such, she doesn’t want to switch drivers so she has just beaten me down to the point that I let her drive the whole way.
My wife isn’t really a good driver. I got my car in February 2015. She’s already hit two different things. Not to mention that she’s hit the mailbox in her own car. Twice. And gotten at least 6 punctures from running over various things. I cringe every time she drives my car.
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Depends on the car. Older cars are almost always a hard“no”. Too much risk of clutch/ transmission damage, plus if something happened to it in their care, either a breakdown or a crash, it would be a bad time.
My Volvo is also, mostly, a “no,” but for different reasons. Mostly because of my love for the car and that it would be costly to repair. Also it can be a handfull if you’re not expecting it.
I will, however, usually let close friends borrow my automatics, weirdly. The Disco now and the Yukon before it I’ve left to friends in from out of town or other random tasks.
So I guess the tl;dr there is: yes, but only if they’re automatic.
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If I’m in the vehicle, I drive. Otherwise, I’ve let plenty of other people drive. How much damage can you do to a Tacoma, really?
The motorcycle is a different story. Only Mrs. Future next gen S2000 owner and I have put any real miles on it. I did swap with a buddy once to go to lunch. I drove his vette, he drove my bike. I was all of 2 miles round trip.
I used to be super protective of my old Mustang and never really got out of it. Ironically, I would let almost anyone autocross it but no one besides the missus was allowed to drive it.
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Anyone sober I will let drive the S3.
My wife and close friends can drive the Ranger.
No one but me drives the M3, unless I drive it somewhere and then get drunk (rarely happens anymore).
Anyone sober can ride the Grom
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I taught two teenage boys how to drive stick in my mazda 3 yet, I won’t let my 70 year old aunt do anything but ride as a passenger. I just depends on who it is and how many dents their car has.
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I’m in college so people tend to drive each other’s cars a lot for various reasons so I’m not very protective of it. I do however have a little bit of info I have to give to whoever is driving. For the 4Runner it was just to not treat it like a car because you’ll roll the damn thing or rear end somebody. For the r50 it was to not peg it in the rain while turning because its rwd with an lsd and more power than it needs To have. For the TL i tell people to not fucking rock around while changing between gears (it’s an auto) because for some reason people didn’t learn to shift an auto while stationary and the Acura trans is always asking for an excuse to grenade.
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What kinda Volvo
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I let Denver drive my Eldo for a week.5 while his Ranger was in pieces in my driveway
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C30 Polestar. Not exactly a fast car, but the torque is... surprising.
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I share the Corvette with my dad and it lives in the garage at my parents house. He has free will to drive it whenever, it’s fine with me.
My Colorado I don’t really care. My dad drives it sometimes (and in the event he needs it for awhile, I get to use my parents 2018 Camaro convertible) so that’s fine with me. I’ve had two friends do two road trips, and they have shared driving. Wisconsin to Kentucky and back, and Wisconsin to Nebraska one way. Both where while towing the Cobalt.
I was a little more protective of the Cobalt. Me and the friend who helped with the modifications it had are really all who drove it. I let two people take it for a session each at a track day.
The Sonic I also didn’t really care. The friend who helped with the WI-NE move drove it a handful of times. When I was living in Chicago, I let a friend who didn’t have a car drive it as much as he wanted. I would even leave it with him when I was out of town as long as he picked me up from the airport in return.
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I let a co-worker drive my 525i and he downshifted from 5th to 1st. Nobody drives the Mazda5 6MT since there are too many people that can’t drive stick. I even worry when I’m at the dealership even though Mazda sells a fair number of vehicles with MTs.
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Definitely a quick car and I’m sure it would catch people off guard if they just thought it was some random hatchback
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My dad has driven my HS cars and I tried to teach a friend how to drive stick in my YJ. Other than that no one has really asked to. I let Mom drive the Goat because she is my cosigner, but I would let other Oppos I know try out my car I suppose.
Techs drive it, but that is inevitable.
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The real question is how many of us with mods, exhausts, etc have let someone else drive it so we know what it actually sounds like. I genuinely have no idea what my car sounds like outside when driving since I’ve only heard it from the driver seat.
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I’m not protective of SUVs at all. On long road trips I’m happy to take breaks and let someone else drive, although overall I usually do most of the driving. I gladly lend my 4Runner (and before that my LandCruiser) to friends and family, so for example my mom has driven it a lot when visiting. I taught my kid how to drive in my LandCruiser and let him drive my SQ5 at times, and he’s driven the 4Runner lots.
I’m a lot more protective of my (babied) fast cars. The former Mrs. RPM drove my M3 a handful of times out of necessity (once when her car wouldn’t start, once when she volunteered to be D.D., etc.); a friend drove it once, and I let my sister drive it once or twice to try to get her interested in buying something sporty. My dad drove the C63 for an hour or so on a road trip once. That’s it so far, although I have a couple friends into cars who will probably get a test drive at some point.
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Well, I blew my motor (some seal let go and I burned through 3qts of oil in an hour, and developed terminal rod knock).
The BRZ is also way more fun at autox and on the track. After I raw timed my buddies’ modified WRX’s in my stock BRZ and let them drive and/or ride with me in the BRZ, they got rid of the WRX’s as fast as possible (all 4 traded them within a month of me getting mine).
If you only drive in straight lines, the WRX is far faster but as soon as you start turning, the BRZ is in an entirely different league.
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I don’t. And I avoid using other people’s cars too.
I learned my lesson when I backed my mother-in-law’s G35 into a pole. They wanted to avoid using their insurance and wanted me to pay for it out-of-pocket. It would have cost me several thousand to make the repairs. The price was driven up by pre-existing damage that wasn’t my fault.
I offered to put it on my insurance, but my company wanted to act as secondary (per the law). In the end, my in-laws put it on their policy and I paid the deductible. As with most compromises, nobody was happy.
Since then, borrowing cars is not allowed in our household.
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The clutch in this car is definitely finicky and does indeed take some learning. That and driving a (somewhat) high performance awd car is another league from most cars.
The stock throttle mapping doesn’t help either - anything over 25-30% throttle and it just wants to build boost and go - it makes driving smoothly and slowly more difficult.
It’s fun, but has definitely made me more apprehensive to toss someone else the keys.
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I let someone drive the Golf on a road trip as well, that’s where most of those 500km came from but I live rurally so I don’t really have people ask or pop by to use my car - they’d need to drive to me to do so. :)
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I’ve taught a few people how to drive stick too but not in either of the cars I bought new. If someone I really like wants to learn though I’ll consider letting them in the Subie. We’ll just focus on not using the throttle at all to learn the clutch.
Thankfully most people I know know how to drive stick at this point.
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Being your wife must make a big difference because I’d ask her to just take her own car with that track record. :[
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I agree with all points. AND when you take your foot off the gas it drops revs really quickly. Makes stop and go traffic really fun.
But in my opinion all the flaws give the car character. I can’t see myself driving anything else right now.
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Are the BRZs pretty bulletproof? I’d love to drive one.
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I’m very uncomfortable with others driving my cars. My current car doesn’t have full coverage so I’m especially reserved with it. I’m a college student and don’t have the money to replace my 05 Corolla right now. I need it to go to work, class and my internship. It’s happened I think 4 times in the 1.5 years I’ve owned it and no one has driven it for more than 10 miles.
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Do you live in Michigan? Lol. I learned stick on a friends 94 wrangler but it’s been like 6-7 years and I want a manual in the future and need to retrain myself.
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I’m pretty generous when it comes to, “hey want to take it for a spin?!?” as long as I’m in the car with them. I’m also pretty quick to offer to teach someone to drive stick.
But if it’s a long highway road trip, I’ve never let someone else drive, even if they offer. Partly an overprotective reaction, but mostly because I just enjoy the simple mindless monotony that is highway driving.
And since the car lives at my parents’ house (I live in NYC and walk to work), I ask my dad to drive it at least once each weekend just to keep the battery from going flat. It’s my track car, so it only drives to/from racetracks and car shows.
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The only real problems people have had with them are: wheel bearings (they have the same Subaru bearings as all the other stuff, which aren’t great), the early models 2013 and 2014 had weak coil packs that were redesigned in late 2014 (they mostly effect tracked cars, I had mine replaced under warranty along with a new wiring harness), and the high pressure fuel pumps can start making noise (called “the crickets”, it can be annoying but isn’t a reliability issue).
The throw-out bearing in the clutch has a plastic component that means that it wears more quickly than most would like (60k miles is a pretty typical lifespan, but it can go out sooner depending on the driver). The WRX uses a very similar system and also has throw-out bearing issues.
To be a reliable track car, all the BRZ needs is: an oil cooler, upgraded fluids, and brake pads. It’s not fast in a straight line, but it corners with the very best cars. I love passing cars with 2-3x the power with just pure handling.
There aren’t many cars, at any price, that are more fun on track than a twin. Think of a really well sorted Miata, but with power. Or an S2000 that allows you to hold a slide instead of just spinning. As a bonus, you can throw your track tires and tools in the back with the seats folded flat and avoid needing a trailer.
I just hit the 3 year mark with my BRZ, and I still love it (I actually like it more now than when I first got it, probably because I no longer miss/remember all the power I gave up from my WRX).
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Sorry, Chicago, but if your ever in town HMU!
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I’m not very protective of mine at all, but almost nobody else I know drives a manual so it doesn’t happen much. I’ve tossed my keys to random people at work and they go outside then come in a minute later to hand them back saying they’ll borrow someone else’s car because they can’t drive mine. ¯\_()_/¯
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Other than people from Subaru, the only people I’ve let drive the WRX are my brothers and dad too. There are only 2 or 3 friends I’d let drive it, they just haven’t yet but probably will at some point.
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I’m definitely taking you up on that if and when I visit Japan. :)
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Likewise. If something happened to it today, I’d be hard pressed not to walk into a dealership and buy another one tomorrow .
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Hmm kind of, if someone random asked I’d be pretty hesitant, but I’ve let a few friends take my cars for a spin. Have had my share of butt puckering moments.
Handed the keys to my car for a friend to pull out and go for a spin, he put the door key in the ignition. Managed to get it to unlock the steering wheel lock, but it wouldn’t come back out. Had to hot wire the car for a while.
Let a friend take my daily out. His first move was to floor it in a turn as we were getting on the freeway. That is like terrible idea 101. Granted he autocrosses a lot and has great car control. Still don’t think you should be testing the limits 20 seconds after you are handed the keys.
Generally it will be required at some point if you want to tune as trying to do that yourself while driving is pretty hard, and I really like getting first hand experience.
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I’m not so much protective but I do prefer to drive so I always suggest we take one of my cars and I always drive even if it means being the sober person. I just don’t like the way other people drive. Most the people i drive with hesitate way to much at every action, never look far enough ahead, and just seem to be thinking about anything else but driving. I like driving, and I like to think about driving when i’m driving, i don’t just zone out and follow the road like so many other seem to do. Also no one else drives fast enough....and they are always in other peoples way. I try to stay out of everyone else’s way...I do let people drive my cars if they ask too...as long as we aren’t going anywhere but for a drive.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 15:10 |
Hey W, I added https://kinja.com/sm70-whynotduesenberg as an author on OppoBlog to help us out. Hope that’s good with you. Would you mind approving the add?
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Looks like I had the power - it was just waiting on him to accept. Hope that’s no problem. He just bought this , so I figured you’d be on board. =)
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I think I will have to own one of these at some point. Just so much more usable as a car than a Miata (or S2000).
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Yep, you’re a mod on Oppoblog so you should be able to add at will and adding sm70 is all good by me.
It’s funny you mention his 9-2x; I almost bought one, twice, but decided to go new both times (looked at a regular one before buying my Golf and at an Aero before getting the WRX). They’re good cars, I’d still like to own one one day.
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One of my favorite things about the E90 is sharing it with people. The only requirement is that you have owned a manual car. I’ve let both my high school friends drive it, well the two I keep in contact with, one of my fraternity brothers, and my dad. The 3 was at the dealer getting fixed last month and a friend was in town so we went to go pick it up. When we had to go back to my apartment I asked what car he wanted to drive. He said he didn’t care, I gave him the keys to the M3.
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Love it.
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Good deal - hope you’re doing well! I’m heading to NW Arkansas for our biannual backroadtrip this weekend. =)
I’m guessing you’re not regretting getting your WRX.
I strongly considered buying an E39 M5 before deciding to go new(er) with my M3. I’m sure the M5 would have depreciated much, much less, but I’m guessing my out-of-pocket for maintenance and repairs might have been much higher!
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I think we’ve talked about this before, but I also thought about an E39 M5 before I got my E90. I’m not too concerned about deprecation and long term it might be the better move.
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No regrets on the WRX whatsoever, it’s a hoot. If I’m limiting myself to one car I can’t think of anything I might buy instead.
I’d like to own a newer M car myself one day, when it doesnt have to be my primary vehicle that deals with 4 months of winter-y weather. An e46 M3 or an M2 are probably at the top of my list right now, though that might change in a couple of years when I’m ready to make that move. Time will tell.
Enjoy your roadtrip.